Planning a wedding can be overwhelming, especially when you're juggling numerous events and details. But fear not! In this blog, we're here to guide you through some practical hacks to help you orchestrate your timeline like a pro. Whether it's the cake cutting or the essential prep, we've got you covered. (And no, we won't suggest showing up in your underwear!) With these tips, you'll breeze through your run sheet with confidence. After reading through this blog, you’ll come away with plenty of handy tips you can use to help your day run that much more smoothly. We’ll also link you to our free timeline examples PDF at the bottom of this blog!

1. Start with a Comprehensive List

Before diving into the finer details, take a moment to jot down all the elements you want to include in your wedding. This list will serve as your foundation for planning, and it's crucial to work from back to front. Begin with the last part of your day that you want everyone to be part of, then work your way backward. This approach ensures you allocate enough time for each aspect without feeling rushed. You’ll want to ensure you leave plenty of time for sunset photos as well as time for yourself to take in the day during cocktail hour.

2. Tailor Your Reception to Your Style

The timing of your formalities sets the tone for your wedding style. If you're aiming for a relaxed, laid-back evening with a leisurely dinner, consider spreading out your formalities across the night. Break up speeches with meal breaks and other events to create a relaxed atmosphere.

On the flip side, if you're envisioning an energetic dance party, kick off the main formalities at the start. This way, you'll hit the dance floor sooner and dance the night away. Start speeches early and allocate a dedicated time slot, saving you precious time.

Remember, your reception should reflect your preferences. Don't feel pressured to replicate someone else's event. This is your day, and it should unfold exactly as you envision it. Make sure to refer back to your comprehensive list so that you stay true to your overall goals.

3. Embrace the Magic of 'Golden Hour'

'Golden hour,' that magical time before sunset, is a photographer's dream for capturing stunning wedding portraits. This period boasts the most flattering natural light, creating timeless photos that you'll cherish forever.

Check the sunset time on your wedding date and consult with your photographer for the optimal window. Consider leaving a gap in your reception schedule during this time to step outside for photos. In summer, when the sun sets later, this break will be a welcome respite from the midday heat.

You’ll want to ensure you leave plenty of time for sunset photos as well as time for yourself to take in the day during cocktail hour. We’d highly recommend leaving 20 minutes before the suggested sunset time online as well as 10 minutes after the time free for your sunset photos. This means you’ll have the time in the day to quickly slip away and get some photos in the best possible lighting

4. Prioritise Family Photos

Family photos are treasured mementos of your special day, capturing a rare moment when all your loved ones gather in one place. Schedule these immediately after your ceremony, and have your celebrant announce it promptly to ensure everyone is present.

If you’re wanting to capture a group photo with all of your guests, this should be done immediately after the ceremony. This way, no one will wander off and miss out on this important moment!

Efficiency is key here, especially with large families. Allocate 20-30 minutes for this segment, keeping the list of photos concise. Rest assured, there'll be opportunities later in the evening for extended family and group shots. It’s even better if you put the set names for each person in the photos on the family photo list. This means the photographer can call them out directly by name.

5. Select the Ideal Ceremony Time

The ceremony is the focal point of your day, and its timing sets the rhythm for everything else. For summer weddings, consider a later start to avoid the scorching midday sun. Aim for a slot between 3:30-5:30 pm, accounting for sunset times for the perfect backdrop.

In winter, the days are shorter, and the cold sets in early. Opt for a 1:30-3:00 pm ceremony to make the most of daylight. This way, you’ll still have time to enjoy some cocktails in the sunshine as well as have your sunset photos captured. There is nothing worse than being in a rush to capture all your photos because you let your ceremony start way too late in the day.

While a sunset ceremony may seem romantic, save that enchanting light for your stylised portraits, where it will truly shine. Unless you are planning to go for a first look with your partner, in that case, we’d say go for it!

6. Streamline Prep Times

Don't let the rush of the day steal your joy. Plan ahead for hair and makeup, ensuring your team arrives with ample time to spare. A well-organised morning routine sets the stage for a smooth, stress-free walk down the aisle.

If you have multiple photographers or videographers, coordinate the getting-ready times accordingly. Ensure both partners have sufficient time to prepare for a seamless and relaxed experience. We usually find it works best to have the photo & video timelines exactly the same. This way, they aren’t missing out on capturing any moments as everything will be in sync.

Bonus Tip: Consider Hiring a Wedding Planner

If the weight of planning still feels overwhelming, consider enlisting the help of a wedding planner or coordinator. These professionals bring a wealth of experience and can ensure your day runs like clockwork. While your photographer & videographer can provide helpful tips for the run of the day, it’s not their dedicated job to plan your whole timeline. So we would highly recommend getting in touch with one of the manly local professionals who write timelines up every day!

With these tips in hand, you're well on your way to crafting a seamless and unforgettable wedding day. Embrace the process, and remember, this day is all about you and your unique love story!

Visit the link here to see some of our personal timeline recommendations for different times of the year in NSW Australia.


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